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 Alamosa Mosquito Control District

   Prior to the establishment of the Alamosa Mosquito Control District (AMCD) by an election in 1966, it was unbearable to be outside during the mosquito season.  According to some "old-timers," people would walk around downtown Alamosa waving branches to ward off the pests or wrap themselves in wet newspaper.  Thus, the need for The District was determined.  The founding members of AMCD were Robert Bowers, Robert Foote, Stanley Knapp, Maurice Morris, Vern Stenzel (attorney), and Carlos Lucero.  These members founded the organization and led the initial District attack against mosquitoes in Alamosa.  
   AMCD is a special district supported by taxes on property within the district boundaries.  The taxes are about $40.00 per year on a residence valued at $200,000.  The current mill levy is 5 mills as established by voters in November of 2008.  Since then, the board of directors took a temporary mill levy reduction to 4 mills for 2011 and 2012, continuing in 2013 & 2014 with temporary mill levy reductions of 3.5 mills and 3.0 mills.  The board of directors has chosen to take another temporary mill levy reduction down to 3 mills for 2013.


AMCD District Map.JPG
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